Bula! Welcome

To the Teacher Licencing Body of Fiji.

All teachers and knowledge providers that intend to enter the classroom and teach are required by Law to register with the Fiji Teacher Registration Authority (FTRA); Teacher registration is mandatory.

The FTRA is mandated to regulate the teaching profession in Fiji. It is a 100% Fiji Government owned Statutory Body. FTRA is governed by the Board and its members are representatives of the cross section of the teaching industry. The Board is directly appointed by the Hon. Minister of MEHA to provide strategic policy making and guidance.

The FTRA secretariat is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) FTRA. The CEO is the highest-ranking executive of the Authority, whose primary responsibilities include making major executive decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of the Authority, acting as the main point of communication between the Board and MOE.  The Authority employs a total of 15 full time staff members.  

The main mandated functions of FTRA are to:


  • Register qualified Teachers to teach in Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary schools in Fiji.

  • Register qualified Educators in Teacher Training Institutions intending to become kindergarten, primary and secondary teachers.

  • Register qualified Teacher Administrators within the MOE.

  • Register Teacher Training Institutions which intends to allow Teacher Trainee Practice in schools.

  • Register Researchers, Volunteers and Volunteer agencies that intend to partner with schools with the view of improving education sector deliverables.

  • Work with Employing Authorities, Training Institutions and other relevant social partners regarding the standards of courses offered to ensure that these are acceptable for the purpose of Teacher Registration.

  • Conduct Teacher Induction Programmes for new teachers in Fiji.

  • Conduct Orientation Programmes for all new first year students in a teacher training Programme at all Teacher Training Institutions in Fiji.

The regulatory functions deal with setting up of registration standards and benchmarks for teachers in Fiji. It empowers FTRA to determine:


  1. What qualifications, training and expertise they should posses.

  2. What attributes are essential in our teachers.

  3. What knowledge, skills and abilities they should display.

  4. What code of ethics/conduct they should adhere to.

  5. What professional upgrade and development teachers should undergo.

These determinants form the basis of registration and renewal criteria and processes.  Promotion of the Teaching Profession is also a mandate bestowed on FTRA through the FTRA Amended Act 2013. While the elements of the regulatory functions do contribute towards development of a vibrant teaching workforce and increased professionalism of teachers, it is vital that FTRA focuses on promotion and development of the Teaching Profession.


Resources to Get You Started


News and Updates



November 29, 2023
Warm Greetings from the FTRA to all the Respected & Hardworking Teachers, Educators and the general knowledge providers of Fiji. ...

FTRA Orientation Notice – May 2022

May 1, 2022
Read important information about the scheduled FTRA Orientation Session. ...